Calendar of Events

Dec. 9, 2024GANG Board meetingZoom10:00 am - noonPeggi
December 12, 2024FANG Christmas LunchOld Beverly Cafe
3908 118Th Ave NW
11:00 Am - 1:00 pmPeggi
January 13, 2025GANG Board MeetingZoom10:00 am - noonPeggi
January 21, 2025GANG General MeetingSt. Augustine's Anglican Church, 6110 Fulton Road10:00 am - noonPeggi
February 10, 2025GANG Board MeetingZoom10:00 am - noonPeggi
March 10, 2025GANG Board MeetingZoom10:00 am - noonPeggi
March 18, 2025GANG General MeetingSt. Augustine's Anglican Church, 6110 Fulton Road10:00 am - noonPeggi
April 7, 2025GANG Board MeetingZoom10:00 am - noonPeggi
April 26, 2025Fabulous Fabric FrenzyStrathearn United Church
8510 - 95 Avenue
May 12, 2025GANG Board MeetingZoom10:00 am - noonPeggi
May 20, 2025GANG General MeetingSt. Augustine's Anglican Church, 6110 Fulton Road10:00 am - noonPeggi
June 9, 2025GANG Board MeetingZoom10:00 am - noonPeggi

22 thoughts on “Calendar of Events”

  1. Hi there,
    I love this event, the GANG and the Steven Lewis Foundation.
    I wanted to very politely ask about our local grandmothers who could really use our support.
    Due to the opioid epidemic, a staggering number of grandparents are unexpectedly raising their grandchildren. This commonly happens after a parent has passed away from an overdose.
    It’s happening in our communities, in Edmonton, even in our GANG.
    I’m a believer that charity starts at home. Has any off-shoot funding ever been considered for this group? The media hasn’t coined them a name yet, so I don’t know what to call them.
    Thankyou for all the hard work that is put into hosting the fabric frenzy!
    Yours truly,
    Sheila R

  2. Gloria E DeLisle

    Would love to see an update on The Gangs plans for the fall, etc on the website. Was wondering if you are going to try to go ahead with the craft sale in the fall, and, if so, where can I leave some donations for the sale and/or whom may I contact?
    Would love to see the Fabric Frenzy go ahead but can wait for spring for that as I keep setting aside donations for it as well.

  3. Hi and sorry for this late reply. We are not going ahead with the Shakers and Makers Market this fall, but we have been working on a new and exciting project – it will be announced officially in the next week or so, please stay tuned.
    If you would like to donate items for the sale, I will send the contact info for our Market coordinators in a separate email.
    Watch this space for updated information about the Fabric Frenzy for 2021!

  4. Jeanette Budzinski

    Hi! I am just learning about your Group, and your Fabric Frenzy and would like more information about that , please.

  5. Candice:
    Sue Turner here.
    Are you still collecting knitted items to sell online ?
    I have some items to contribute.

  6. I am a grandmothers’ group leader in NB and I am looking for information on “TEA for TWO”
    If you could send me in the right direction I would really appreciate hearing more about this. I think this could work in our area in these crazy times. Looking forward to your response
    Brenda January 14th 2022

    1. Hi, sorry but we don’t have a “Tea for Two” project. Could you check with the Foundation, it likely is part of another Grandmother group.

      1. I live in south Edmonton, close to south gate.Where can I drop off fabric and craft supplies. Also when are there any sales or other events happening. Thank you.

        1. Hello, Elvera, sorry for the delay in responding to you. We accept donations of fabric, craft supplies and notions most Thursdays at Strathearn United Church 8510 95 Avenue Northwest, Edmonton AB from 10 to 1. If that timing doesn’t work for you, please email and arrangements can be made for a pick up. Our next sale will be April 26 at Strathearn United. If you wish to be on our contact list and you are not, please reach out at the email above, and we will add you. Thanks for reaching out.

  7. I have some fabric that I would like to donate to your fabric sale and I am wondering if you are collecting fabric at this time. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for your enquiry.
      We do not have dates for sales as yet but we plan to have some outdoor pop up ones when the weather improves in Spring.
      The best thing to do is occasionally check our website-Info about sales will be posted on the calendar.

  8. Which of your events are the sales of the knitted and crocheted scarves, mitts, hats, slippers, toys and quilted goods?

  9. hi my name is sheila pugh, my sister sent me a copy of the fabric and yarn sale on may 22. I would like to get more information about this please. I am eagerly awaiting your reply

  10. I know itโ€™s still a couple months away, but I was hoping to find out how I could volunteer for the Christmas Shoppe in November. Is there a mailing list I can be added to when there is more info available?

      1. I thoroughly enjoyed Christmas ๐ŸŽ„ shopping at the craft sale at Steinhauer United Church in Edmonton, Alberta. Please keep me posted for any upcoming craft sales.
        Thank you

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